
Have an impact.
Help other Engineering Leaders

Plato is a Community for Engineering Leaders. Join as a mentor and help others through 1-on-1 Mentorship,Circles, and produce Leadership Content

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Join a community of the best Engineering Leaders from the best companies


Learn as you teach

Teaching through Plato's mentorship not only shapes your knowledge into valuable advice for future engineers, but also diversifies and sharpens your own skills.

🏢 Various company stages

🌎 Various cultures

🏭 Various industries

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Earn Money or Give Back

We use a revenue-sharing model where you price your mentorship sessions. Plato retains 50%, and you earn the rest, which can be redeemed in various ways:

💰 Cash out

🫶 Donate to charity

🔄 Convert into Plato Credits for yourself you can use in Plato

👥 Transfer Plato Credits to your company or others (at 2 * rate)

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Zero Hassle Mentoring

All Plato mentors have always wanted to mentor and, in fact, most were already doing it. But consistently finding relevant mentees can be a daunting task. This is where Plato comes in - we find the relevant mentees so you can focus on what matters most: mentoring

🎯 We'll match you with the right mentees weekly

⏰ You set your availabilities

🗓️ Seamless scheduling

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Build your Brand

Engage with Plato to emerge as a thought leader in the industry. Through mentoring, transform your knowledge into advice for future engineers and use Plato's tools for brand building, such as social sharing and achievements.

🤖 We use generative AI to build great content from your mentorship sessions

🏆 We'll deliver certifications and awards for best mentors

🎙️ We regularly organize events and webinars where you can speak

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Connect and Learn with the Best Eng Leaders

We will send you a weekly newsletter with new mentors, circles, peer groups, content, webinars,bounties and free events.


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